Top 10k strings from Crash - Issue 67 - Presents 03 (1989)(Crash)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   5 r(c3,c1)=c1
   4 +((i-c1)*3
   4 ((man-c1)*4
   3 WARRIOR   
   2 st=st-dam:
   2 c1;"HUGE DRAGON";
   2 +((lc-c1)*6
   2 )+(no-c1))
   2 '" Your ";
   2 '" I can't see anything!":
   2 " What with?":
   2 " What with (Your hands)?":
   1 you=you+y1
   1 wwwwwwUUAP
   1 wuuwwuwwwwwuwwUQUUUT
   1 written on laser genuis because Devpac wont handle my source code any more.  And Im glad ITV have fetched back SLEDGE HAMMER because its the most fantastic program ever how about a conversion of it somebody 
   1 uuuUuuuuuuUu
   1 thr=thr+c1:
   1 s$="Goblin"
   1 rou=rou+c1:
   1 r(c2,c1)+7
   1 r(c2,c1))-(ma=c1)
   1 pol=tu+c1:
   1 p$="_______":
   1 p$="You are DEAD":
   1 p$="YOU WIN!":
   1 p$="YOU GOT HIM":
   1 p$="UGH!":
   1 p$="TAPE 2":
   1 p$="SIZZLE!":
   1 p$="RULES":
   1 p$="OF KET":
   1 p$="MOUNTAINS":
   1 p$="GURGLE! UGH!":
   1 p$="GLUG! GLUG!":
   1 p$="GAMBLING":
   1 p$="DICE GAME":
   1 p$="COMBAT":
   1 os=os+ex+(mr*7
   1 os=os+(map*10
   1 n$=c$(z+c1
   1 n$="TALPS"
   1 mst=mst-c2
   1 mst=mst-(2
   1 mst=mst+20
   1 msk=msk-c2
   1 lu=lu-c1+(mr=c1)
   1 ket1      
   1 i,c0;"                                ":
   1 him=him+h1:
   1 gob=gob+c1:
   1 e|2Le2[e2Re2Ue2}e
   1 dam=dam-(ma=c1):
   1 cos+" coins":
   1 cos+" coins"
   1 c3,c1;"You begin the adventure with    the following abilities:-"
   1 c3,c1;"Well it had to happen sometime"
   1 c2;"PROWESS";
   1 c2;"LUCK";
   1 c2;"ENERGY";
   1 c2+(ms=c1):
   1 c1,c1;p$'':
   1 c1,c0;"    PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE   ":
   1 c0;" struggles up the   ramp into the room.":
   1 c0;" struggles up    the ramp but slips back down.":
   1 c0;" is self explanatory."
   1 c0;" is a measure of"'" your physical condition."
   1 c0;" is a measure of"
   1 c0,c2,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c2,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c1,c0,c0
   1 c0,c0,c0,57
   1 a$=a$+"           and you can have my MAP too.":
   1 a$="You may not pass.":
   1 a$="You don't have enough money,    it costs "+
   1 a$="You can't leave things here":
   1 a$="You can't just take things      from here.":
   1 a$="You can't go up there.":
   1 a$="That'll do nicely,here's the     GOLD":
   1 a$="Speak up sonny I'm a bit deaf":
   1 a$="Same to you too!":
   1 a$="O.K. Thats "+
   1 a$="O.K. Here are "+
   1 a$="It's not for sale.":
   1 a$="I've no time for idle chatter":
   1 a$="I'm not in need of charity!":
   1 a$="I'll only give you the GOLD,if  you give me something to ease        my boredom.":
   1 a$="I have nothing left to gamble.":
   1 a$="I don't want to thanks.":
   1 a$="I don't want it.":
   1 a$="I don't sell it.":
   1 a$="Hello!":
   1 a$="Gosh its cold.":
   1 a$="Go away!":
   1 a$="BY R.A.McCORMACK"
   1 a$="Are you trying to be funny?":
   1 a$="AARGHH!":
   1 Well This Is Well And Truly Hacked
   1 Welcome to POKEMANIA 3, ows ya doing ? At last finished and time to write the scrolly and have I got some Goodies for you. The hack pack used to do this program partly. A completely new type of mini assembler/monitor of which you have never seen the likes of before "POKE" anything find "INFINITE LIVES" in anything. Load in "FULL" 48ks and "POKE THEM WHILST LOADING" there are so many features it is impossible to do the program justice in this space. Imagine what you have wanted in a program, WELL THIS HAS IT AND MORE, a more than ideal complement to "ANY" hardware system. Ideal for beginner and very very advanced user. The price of `3.50 which is stupidly cheap (I coulnt spell rediculos you now what I mean) includes full instructions and lots of bonus programs. Secondly for all those who have asked "The Hyper Byte Pack" compress 48k into half, a third or less. Hyper pack is used on this program to save it out. I tried it on SAS COMBAT SIMULATOR by CODEMASTERS it packed 39k which took 390 seconds to load into
   1 UWwUUUwWwwW
   1 UU]]]}]]]U]
   1 UU]]]]]]}}
   1 UUWwWwwwUUWWW
   1 UUUE@UUU]UU]_
   1 This One Makes You Invincible Ta John
   1 The SAS Need Infy Lives I Think
   1 Start tape, then press any key
   1 Start The Tape
   1 S         
   1 Pokemania3
   1 Pokemania*
   1 Pokemania$
   1 Plain Old Infy Lives More Fun Eh!
   1 Or Is it His Mate ?
   1 Oh No Its Suds Again
   1 Number array:
   1 L|88|`xll|8||
   1 Loader    =
   1 KInfy TURBOS Then
   1 KETCODE   
   1 KET       
   1 Its Downright Dangerous To Die So Dont
   1 Infy Lives ? Nah It Couldnt Be !?
   1 Footnote ... Some of you may have slight problems with alkatraz games (The ones with the counter) its due to the way I have to do them. Lower your Volume and they will work first time. And yes Ive added a bit more Nick, Im also sorry to hear SINGHY is packing his bags no more to hack. Hes off to college, Ta Ra Adie )
   1 FTo Run Poke
   1 E To Enter Pokes
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Character array:
   1 AUUuwwuUUUwww
   1 ??3#?????1
   1 <Player 1 And 2 Never Die
   1 <No Timer To Tick Down
   1 <255 Lives Are Needed Here
   1 ;st-i;" ":
   1 ;mst-i;" ":
   1 ;"the pair of dice."''
   1 ;"The Ogre will play his "'" MAGIC SWORD against your DICE."
   1 ;"Suit yourself":
   1 ;"PROWESS ";
   1 ;"LUCK    ";
   1 ;"INCENTIVE";
   1 ;"HIGHest total wins!"
   1 ;"ENERGY  ";
   1 ;" points."
   1 ;"     Prowess Energy  Luck"
   1 :D;D<D1&2D3D4D6&*D+D,DsBa
   1 80008|l8ll|88|ll<
   1 3Dgraphics
   1 3Dgamecode
   1 2Vigilantes Should Never Die
   1 2R F!F"D#F$F%F&F
   1 2And Eveything Is Infinite
   1 -A Game Wiv Me Name Better Be
   1 ,c3;"You";
   1 ,c3;"Him";
   1 ,c1;"You step off the edge to meet   your death on the rocks below.":
   1 ,c1;"You hear a low chuckle and the Zombie reforms!!":
   1 ,c1;"Which way? ";:
   1 ,c1;"Do wish to try to escape him?";:
   1 ,c1;" Delphia vanishes in a puff of   green smoke!"
   1 ,c1;" As you near the ramp a HUGE    DRAGON breaths fire at you and             you fry.":
   1 ,c0;"You have found the way through  the mountains and can now begin the journey to the Temple where you will find Vran & Delphia."
   1 ,c0;"Totals: 
   1 ,c0;" You swim out but the weight of  your equipment pulls you under          and you drown.":
   1 ,c0;" We shall each have 3 throws of"'
   1 ,c0;" He gives you his MAGIC SWORD.":
   1 ,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0
   1 ,c0,c0,c0,c0
   1 ,c0,c0,c0,7
   1 ,C1;"You swim against the current    and suddenly get pulled under   by a very long tentacle            and eaten alive.":
   1 ,C1;"                    ":
   1 +gob)-lc=c1
   1 +gob)-lc=-c1
   1 +Z#Z$X%X&F
   1 +(ms=c1)):
   1 +((z-c1)*c3):
   1 +((vb-c1)*c2):
   1 +((i-c1)*c3),c0:
   1 +((i-c1)*c3),c0
   1 +((i-c1)*c3)
   1 *X+X,V"Z$V
   1 )TSR7PO_^]\[ZTS
   1 );"% so far"
   1 )+" coins"
   1 (Press A or B To Kill Everything
   1 (Just Keep On Trucking [Fnar!]
   1 (DT|||8?PQ
   1 (Crashes Cost You Points Though
   1 '()*'(()*'(*)*'(%**'()*',.
   1 '"Throw ";
   1 '"Do you have TAPE 2 ?"''"   Y-to use that tape"'"   N-to carry on with this tape"
   1 '" You see a man wearing a long    robe and tall hat pass through  the skulls mouth.The mouth      then closes.":
   1 '" You may call up your current    condition by asking for a ";
   1 '" You hear voices coming from the other side of the wall."
   1 '" You hear someone saying 'TALPS'"
   1 '" You hear someone breathing."
   1 '" You hear footsteps nearby."
   1 '" You hear a roar and an UGLY      but GIANT DRAGON arrives."
   1 '" You can't do that!":
   1 '" What shall we do? ";:
   1 '" What about ";n$;"?":
   1 '" The hole disappears"
   1 '" The bottle is now EMPTY.":
   1 '" The SKULLS mouth opens          revealing a room beyond.":
   1 '" The SKULLS mouth is shut.":
   1 '" The SKULLS mouth is open.":
   1 '" The Orc says"'" ""What is the PASSWORD?"""
   1 '" The Gremlin cowers near the     small holes and points in.":
   1 '" The GOBLIN screams an oath and  attacks you.":
   1 '" The DOG scares the ";s$;" off.":
   1 '" The ";s$;" stares at you":
   1 '" The ";s$;" says,"
   1 '" That's ";
   1 '" Sorry,but I don't know how to   do that.":
   1 '" So far in this adventure you    have scored ";
   1 '" She sends you out.":
   1 '" Round ";rou
   1 '" Please use directions!":
   1 '" O.K.  Prepare tape to save            in two parts":
   1 '" O.K.  Insert your data file             and press PLAY!":
   1 '" Never mind, you can only get    better."
   1 '" I told you it was slippery,you  fall over.":
   1 '" I don't know what you mean.":
   1 '" Gasp! Its too dark to see!":
   1 '" Delphia says"'" ""Give me your NECKLACE or ELSE.  [Y/N]?""":
   1 '" Delphia orders her Ogre to kill you at once!":
   1 '" Could you put that another way.":
   1 '" Around us we can see:"
   1 '" An enraged villager who saw you slay that man ATTACKS you!!":
   1 '" Also here is a ";
   1 '" A GOBLIN GUARD enters the area.":
   1 '"  He wins, and takes the DICE.":
   1 '"  As you entered the cave a       huge gate slamed down behind    you. You are trapped in the     mountain until you can find       another way out!":
   1 '"   This is EDGAR signing off!"
   1 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
   1 $q,q4q<qDqLqTq\qdqlqtq|q
   1 "Your sword cuts his leg badly!"
   1 "You thrust past his guard and   hit him!"
   1 "You swipe at his head and hit!"
   1 "You stab him!"
   1 "You must watch your step here    as the floor has oil on it.     From the south comes a musty               smell."
   1 "We enter some tunnels."
   1 "We enter some tiny tunnels."
   1 "We enter some small winding     tunnels."
   1 "We enter some low tunnels."
   1 "We can see a field in the west     around us are boulders."
   1 "We are standing in front of a     huge SKULL that blocks the    passage,its eyes emit a dull     red glow that lights the area"
   1 "We are on the west edge of the  plateau. We can see it's about          500' high."
   1 "We are on the southern plateau,      it is very small."
   1 "We are on the second floor of          the posh house."
   1 "We are on a north/south path."
   1 "We are on a ledge on the side   of a mountain.Hundreds of feet        below is a river."
   1 "We are in a small field.To our     South is a large field."
   1 "We are in a small chamber,the    tunnel entering it from the     east has an acrid smell and    light is coming from the south"
   1 "We are in a small but clean &        tidy hardware shop."
   1 "We are in a cave.In its centre  is a column of stone.There are   entrances all around but the   way North is blocked by a Gate"
   1 "We are in a bleak field.There    are other fields all around."
   1 "We are at the base of a sheer     and crumbling cliff face."
   1 "We are at a dead end.The east     wall is in mint condition."
   1 "We are at a crossroads in the     village centre.There are          buildings all around."
   1 "We are at a cross passage and   can see a strange sight to the              south."
   1 "We are amongst some low bushes     To our east is a wood."
   1 "Up ahead we can see an archway"
   1 "To our south is the mountain,    with a cave entrance at its               base"
   1 "This little beach has a cave    at its back.The lake is north."
   1 "This lane we are in leads east  /west,there is a posh house to             our north."
   1 "This is the shrine of some god  ,a pool is in its centre about   which you get an odd feeling"
   1 "This is the guard room.It        smells of unwashed bodies."
   1 "The walls of this area shimmer  and you get an uneasy feeling."
   1 "The room we are in has a high   arched ceiling.A faint breeze      comes from the south."
   1 "The path through the mountains  is to the east of the village            not the west!"
   1 "The musty smell & many bottles  indicate that this is a cellar"
   1 "The land around us is barren."
   1 "Stableman"
   1 "Some tasty Food 
   1 "Some Gold bars"
   1 "Some Coins"
   1 "Man (shopkeeper)"
   1 "Man (The owner)"
   1 "Mad Monk"
   1 "He stumbles and you smash him!"
   1 "He stabs you!"
   1 "He slashes you"
   1 "He knocks you to the ground!"
   1 "He kicks you."
   1 "He dodges your guard,lunges     and hits!"
   1 "He bites you."
   1 "Giant Zombie"
   1 "FILENAME";F$:
   1 "Chopped Logs 
   1 "Cartographer"
   1 "An old Map"
   1 "An empty Bottle 
   1 "A trusty Sword 
   1 "A suit of magic Armour"
   1 "A strong Horse"
   1 "A spiral staircase leads down   from here into darkness.We are   in a damp room and the sound   of water comes from the south."
   1 "A sharp Axe 
   1 "A pretty 
   1 "A pile of Gems 
   1 "A phial of Potion 
   1 "A pair of Dice"
   1 "A magic luck Ring 
   1 "A mages Hat 
   1 "A mages Cloak"
   1 "A long Chain"
   1 "A lit Lamp 
   1 "A large Diamond"
   1 "A jeweled Bracelet"
   1 "A guard Dog"
   1 "A false Beard 
   1 "A crimson Fish 
   1 "A copy of the Goblin Gazette"
   1 "A big Log 
   1 "A Magic sword 
   1 "A Dog chained to the column"
   1 "A Bottle of water 
   1 "A Bottle of oil 
   1 "A Bottle of elixir 
   1 " your swordsmanship."''" Your ";
   1 " chop! chop! Its done.":
   1 " and your GEMS roll away!":
   1 " and High Priestess Delphia."
   1 " Yum! Yum!":
   1 " Your current abilities are:-"
   1 " You're not carrying them.":
   1 " You're already carrying it.":
   1 " You'd have to be a bit of a     Wizard to get through here!":
   1 " You'd have a job swimming here":
   1 " You were lucky":
   1 " You tie the dog to the pillar.  He looks fierce enough to guard anything."
   1 " You spring across the crevasse.":
   1 " You pour the oil on the ramp    making It very slippery.":
   1 " You manage to OPEN the DOOR,    but it begins to swing shut.":
   1 " You have with you:-"
   1 " You have too much with you!":
   1 " You have got the maximum score  Your Codeword is EEK! BLEEK!"
   1 " You have ";gp;".":
   1 " You feel a spring in your step.":
   1 " You could form a stable         relationship with a Horse.":
   1 " You can't!":
   1 " You can't go that way":
   1 " You are not carrying it.":
   1 " With whom?":
   1 " Wish me luck in getting back."
   1 " Who are you going to sell to?":
   1 " Which way?":
   1 " What? While you're carrying it":
   1 " We are standing on the north    edge of an underground lake."
   1 " We are on the west side of a   door.To our west is a landing."
   1 " We are on the south edge of    the plateau.To our south is a   20' wide crevasse and another           plateau."
   1 " We are on a road with fields    on both sides.To our east is         a village & a wood."
   1 " We are in the middle of the     lake.A few yards away to our         south is a beach."
   1 " We are in an open field,the     village lies to our west and      a small path leads south."
   1 " We are in a warm room with a    shut door to the west.In the    south is a ramp leading down           to a den."
   1 " We are in a ploughed field       with bushes nearby and a          stable to the east."
   1 " We are in a low valley,the          grass here is burnt."
   1 " We are in a little used room.    There are stairs up and an        entrance in the south."
   1 " We are in a field,the crops      here have been harvested."
   1 " We are in a chamber.There is    an archway to our south and    from the east comes the smell           of incense."
   1 " We are at the south end of a     big chamber.A wide passage               leads south."
   1 " We are at the south end of a      lane,to our west are the       stables and on our east is               a house."
   1 " We are at the north end of a   Valley, it is blocked by rocks"
   1 " Urg! That was a bit dumb. Never  mind you only lose 2 Energy!":
   1 " Try exploring a bit more!":
   1 " To who?":
   1 " This room has straw all over              its floor."
   1 " This may be a good place to     leave things.":
   1 " This is an ante-chamber that    has a religious feel to it.In   the south wall is a decorated            archway."
   1 " This house is well kept and           has two floors."
   1 " This chamber has a thin layer      of dust on its floor."
   1 " There is no one here to buy it  from.":
   1 " There are a flight of stairs     going up from here.To the      west is a chamber and there     are holes in the south wall."
   1 " The word ""MINT"" is on it.":
   1 " The wind is blowing through     the trees of the wood we are    now in.There is a path going    east and the sound of voices       comes from the north."
   1 " The spring has now gone from    your step!":
   1 " The house we are in is very     basic,it only has one floor."
   1 " The dog instantly becomes your  friend and wolfs down the food."
   1 " The ORC steps aside.":
   1 " The ORC just looks at you.":
   1 " The LAMP is now ON"
   1 " The HORSE will not enter!":
   1 " The BOTTLE is EMPTY.":
   1 " The ";s$;" says"'" ""You'll regret this""":
   1 " The ";s$;" says"
   1 " The ";s$;" leaps at you to"'" protect the ";n$:
   1 " The ";s$;" blocks you.":
   1 " The ";s$;" blocks you!":
   1 " Swim which way?":
   1 " Seeing your greed the GOD of    the shrine fires a lightning    bolt at you!!":
   1 " Please be more specific!":
   1 " Pardon!":
   1 " O.K. Its full.":
   1 " Nothing.":
   1 " Nothing happens":
   1 " Nothing Happens!":
   1 " Magic glows at its tip!":
   1 " KILL what?":
   1 " Its on already!":
   1 " Its not deep enough.":
   1 " Its FULL already.":
   1 " Its EMPTY already.":
   1 " It's not here!":
   1 " It tells of an OGRE who just    loves to play dice and is very  good at it.":
   1 " It shows the path through the      mountains to be EAST of           some boulders.":
   1 " It looks very strong!":
   1 " It looks better than your       other sword.":
   1 " Is that wise?":
   1 " I'm sorry,but I don't know      what a '";n$;"' is.":
   1 " I'm as stumped as you.":
   1 " I'm afraid we can't go that way":
   1 " I'd love to if you had it.":
   1 " I wouldn't its full of piranha!":
   1 " I see nothing to tie him to.":
   1 " I see nothing special":
   1 " I don't see him.":
   1 " I can't see the DOOR":
   1 " I can't see it.":
   1 " How can you drop something that you don't have?":
   1 " He wanders off to find          something to do.":
   1 " He then rushes forward and      attacks you!":
   1 " He nearly bites your arm off as you near him.":
   1 " He isn't here.":
   1 " He hits! Will you dodge? ";:
   1 " Glug! Glug! Ahh."
   1 " From what?":
   1 " For a hole try a mixed up loop!":
   1 " FILL the BOTTLE with what?":
   1 " Edgar says"'" ""We'll never get to the          mountain at this rate!!"""
   1 " Don't just kill everyone!":
   1 " Don't be daft.":
   1 " But you have no coins!":
   1 " But you don't have it.":
   1 " But you don't have it!":
   1 " But you are not carrying it.":
   1 " But you already own it.":
   1 " But its not here.":
   1 " Bad luck you failed to dodge!"
   1 " As you turn to run he gets an   extra blow in.":
   1 " As you put it down the room is  plunged into darkness."
   1 " Are you talking to yourself?":
   1 " An annoyed RAT leaps at you to  protect his treasure!!":
   1 " A large RAT grabs it and runs   away before you can do a thing.":
   1 " A 4' hole appears in the wall."
   1 " ""You have the sacred diamond,             now DIE"""
   1 " """;a$;""""
   1 "  We are standing on a river     bank.There is a wood to our     west and a small path leads                north."
   1 "  We are in a spoilt field."
   1 "  We are in a room with red       curtains on all walls & a       set of stairs going down."
   1 "  This is a landing. To the       north is a sweet smelling      chamber some stairs down are            also here."
   1 "  This chamber is furnished     richly and smells of perfume."
   1 "  These are the stables,they            smell of manure."
   1 "  The wide passage continues.      The walls are scorched."
   1 "  Prowess  ";
   1 "  Obviously this chamber has        been used as a toilet."
   1 "  Luck     ";
   1 "  Energy   ";
   1 "   We are just outside the      passage on a mountain plateau."
   1 "    We are on the east edge            of the  plateau."
   1 "    Foolshly we are in the            LARGE DRAGONS den."
   1  1989 Turbo 
   1   TURBO  ":
   1   Hello Norfie 
   1   Hello Dave